Intelligent Cloud-Based Transaction Management Platform
AdminisTEP offers complete end-to-end transaction management services and integrated technology solutions to healthcare organizations. Our solution adapts, optimizes, and scales to small & large payers. Our cloud-based system provides the tools and resources you need to optimize your financial health and operational performance.
Finally, there's cloud over healthcare that <br> SAVES you money!
Our Modules Increase Efficiency By Allowing You To Implement Only What You Need
Tired of maintaining massive systems to get the capabilities you need — and using only a fraction of the total functionality? We separate our solutions into independent, interchangeable modules so you get — and pay for — what you need and nothing more. Forget the rest — it will not help you.
Pay only for what you use
Our "modular approach and “implement only what you need" philosophy helps you achieve your business goals without breaking the bank.
The AdminisTEP platform is built on the latest internet technologies to create a cloud-based system that is delivered entirely as a modular service. We provide and manage the infrastructure, software and host the platform. You simply subscribe to the modules you need, plug in, and see all aspects of your financial and operational health from the device of your choice — be it a desktop PC, tablet, or smartphone. Our cloud-based system provides the tools and resources you need to optimize your financial health and operational performance.
Business Processing Outsourcing

GO DIGITAL! AdminisTEP’s nationwide clearinghouse module is an end-to-end convergent point that connects payors and providers for the exchange of healthcare transactions. Our clearinghouse manages all types of input and output between healthcare organizations. Our fully integrated clearinghouse solution uses real-time, near real-time, batch, fast batch, or any other required speed for exchanging healthcare transactions — in standard or non-standard formats.


The AdminisTEP Workflow Module is a customizable rules-based platform for automating tasks for electronic and paper healthcare transactions. Our workflow modules include process workflows for predictable repetitive task and case workflows for conditional task processing. Whether the transaction is a claim, remittance, or non-claim correspondence, our workflow module eliminates redundant tasks, improves efficiency, simplifies task delegation, reduces processing time, increases visibility, and provides full accountability.
Intelligent Business Rules
The AdminisTEP intelligent business rule engine differentiates our solution. Healthcare organizations utilize our innovative solutions to create efficiency, increase quality, eliminate human touch points and increase profitability by reducing administration expenses. AdminisTEP can process, store, report and work flow your data any way you want. AdminisTEP offers a convergent point for all data (paper & electronic) with a robust business rule engine that ensures the transactions you receive are validated, pre-scrubbed, clean, and ready for next task processing. Our business rule engine is customizable for data validation, data modification, workflow path determination and exception generation. Transactions that do not meet set business rules fall into an exception queue that can be reviewed and resolved through our customizable workflow modules.

Exception Management

AdminisTEP’s Exception Management Module identifies, segregates, and routs transaction errors to the most cost-effective point of resolution. The conventional approach has been to speed through good data, letting bad data drop into an exception queue to be dealt with on the fly, normally by inexperienced and expensive workers. Group routing, batch-fixing, knowledge management, and upstream rules-based processing were not available. Our exception management logic tracks and reconciles critical control points, and our basic reports show the exact path every transaction takes, allowing you to derive, change or reroute data on demand, automatically. Combining our Exception Management Module with our Document Management services allows you to treat paper transactions just as you would as electronic ones.
Analytics & Reporting
See IT! Measure IT! Manage IT! AdminisTEP robust analytic reporting engine enables you to gain valuable insight into your financial and operational health. AdminisTEP’s analytic reporting engine provides real-time visibility and reconciliation of all data — from summary to transaction detail, all accessible via our cloud-based portal. The AdminisTEP Platform encompasses standard production, ad-hoc and customizable end-user reporting for all levels of management. All data is stored and tracked real-time from the moment it is received, during processing, extraction to host and historical reporting.